Showing posts with label nail art tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nail art tutorial. Show all posts

Sunday 10 July 2016

2016-17 Latest New Nail Art Designs & Painting Tutorial Tips at Home

Howdy NailArtKit followers,

Today I am going to tell about easy nail art designs for beginners step by step. But in this edition, we’ll prediction about 2017 nail art design and how will it?

NailArtKit blog gives you merely easy diy nail art tutorial step by step at home.

So let’s start, these days there are many lots of nails diy patterns artistic and creative designs. You can change variant nail painting into real nail paint.

It seems like that very complicated but nothing so. Of course, you can alter into lots of many designs.

There is no need to go to the outside and to buy expensive nail art kits to design your nails; just you need little bit motivation.

We have gathered some of the best 2016 nail art designs or pictures and how to make 100% successful easy to diy patterns for nails?

So you can join latest designs trend with ease and we’ll cover the seventh method in nail art designs:

  • Simple French Manicure Nail Art Designs
  • Diy Nail Art Design with Scotch Tape
  • Lace Nail Design and Diy Sticker
  • Thin Striped Nail Design
  • Sprinkle and Splatter Nail Art Designs
  • Stickers for Nail Art Design Pictures
  • Cotton String for Nail Art Designs
  • Use Shearing Scissor for Nail Art Design

Simple French Manicure Nail Art Designs:

2017 french manicure nail art designs tips at home

According to me, this is a classic French style which you give attractive simple designs and it is likely to fit every dress and party.

If you are not able to French manicure design perfectly as well as if you want to do it. There’s a stress-free way to hide your mistake without frustration.

I recommend you that take a glitter pen from any stationary shop or craft shop. Draw a line there the white meets the pink. As you can see in this picture.

Easy Diy Nail Art Design with Scotch Tape is Your Best Friend:

scotch tape nail art designs step by step at home

You would have seen that there are lots of many youngest women likes zigzags design on nails. If you want to try zigzags nail designs with scotch tape.

Then you should apply of course it.  It is no use to go near the expert hand of the tattoo artist.

So don’t worry, we’ll show some example of scotch tape nail design but we recommend few things which you should cover.

Please make sure that the base color is dry because when you’ll apply taping and painting for the second time.

Gorgeous Lace Nail Design and Diy Sticker Pattern:

Lace sticker nail art designs tips and tutorial at home

Yes, of course, Lace nail design is gorgeous because you can’t believe that there are lots of design can be created through lace sticker pattern.

When you apply this technique then it appears far away like sack skin nails. If you have few old lace pieces so you can take old pieces, cover it around all over nail polish area. 

It feels like that complicated and stressful but it is nothing so if you’ll try at home.

Very Thin Striped Nail Design:

Thin striped nail art designs and painting tutorial at home

There are often time girls keep on thinking that how did I make a perfect thin stripe design for my nails?

So don’t worry we’ll give a good idea for a thin stripe design for nails. First of all, you can use a fan brush (it looks like Japanese fan).

Primary, your nail polish should be dry and dip it fan brush in a different color. To use like over your nail horizontally. Wait for dry your nails and then repeat this process using different colors which you want to try.

Use Cotton String for Nail Art Designs:

Cotton string new nail art designs and painting tutorial tips at home

It is really amazing style and interesting thought for 2017 nail art designs prediction. So now we should start cotton string nail design tips and tricks.

So first paint your base coat and let it dry and wait for a bit. When it dried then add a light clear coat and past cotton string. 

You will have to take some little stickers for extra designs for like Christmas lights nail art designs. 

If you want to try a different style so, of course, you can do it.

Sprinkle and Splatter Nail Art Designs:

Splatter nail art design latest new painting tutorial tips at home

When I see sprinkle and splatter nail art designs then I feel like that Indians Holi Festival. 

So according to, 2017 is going to come and even Holi festival definitely will come then you can use this design.

Let’s start that how to make awesome splatter nail design so first of all, you’ll have to use a slanted makeup brush for splatter and sprinkle design. 

Simply dip the brush in nail polish pot as well as to sprinkle of polish color on your nail.

But if you want to thin you polish so you can use nail polish remover so that your polish color sprinkle lightly and skinny.

Use Shearing Scissor for Nail Art Design:

Shearing scissor zigzag nail art design tutorial at home

As you know that shearing scissor can be essentially used for nail art designs. There are lots of time we use this scissor for the design pattern. 

If you want to do more different zigzags nail designs. So you can use this tips.

Now you’ll have to take scotch tape and cut them zigzag style so that you can use easily stick on your own nails and to polish color which you like. 

Use Diy Pattern Stickers for Nail Art Design Pictures:

latest new nail art design diy pattern stickers tutorial tips at home

Diy pattern sticker is a very easy way to make multiple designs and quickly. You can find some design patterns online and that price very low. It doesn’t expensive.

If you want to use this method so you’ll have to do some work regarding of nail design. First of all, you will have to apply a coat of color polish then stick your stickers which you like and do last coat of transparent nail polish. 

Finally, your diy pattern and stickers design have been finished. Wait for dry polish and enjoy different nail stickers design.